MapuSoft Technologies

MapuSoft Technologies offers embedded software porting and development tools.

The company offers software solutions for automated application porting, OS abstraction, OS simulation, profiling and software code conversion.


OS Changer

  • Automated migration of C/C++ software from one OS to another
  • C/C++ code remains unchanged, eliminating the risk of manual porting
  • support all popular embedded OS and hardware platforms

RTOS Simulator

Eliminates the need for the original OS, as well as the requirement for expensive target hardware during development on a host computer.

RTOS Simulator allows you to develop product prototypes on inexpensive target hardware. The result is lower licensing costs, reduced hardware requirements and a shorter time to market. 

RTOS Simulators are available for eleven popular OS Platforms.


OS Abstractor 

OS Abstractor is a commercial grade abstraction layer designed to provide better performance at a lower cost than an in-house abstraction solution.

Including OS Abstractor in your architecture creates a clear separation between the application code and the underlying OS, thereby freeing the code and minimizing any future upgrading costs.

